We are a free, Christian church in the border triangle of Germany.

Our church consists of independent house churches.
On the following page “About us” you will learn what is important to us, what we stand for and how we live as Christians.
As we know, the first Christians did not yet have churches and cathedrals; they met in their homes and only occasionally came together as a city congregation for a large celebration meeting. This congregational model is being rediscovered today. In countries hostile to Christians, it is often the only way to plant churches at all. But it also offers particularly favorable conditions for discipleship and church growth in any other setting. We are trying to implement the structure of house churches here in Zittau as well. In doing so, this structure supports what has grown in our hearts: relational, grassroots, flexible and easy to live.
So we meet once a month to worship together and once a month to worship together. Otherwise, we usually meet twice a week in various independent house churches. In contrast to house groups, house churches are full-fledged micro churches with a maximum of 15 members, which function similar to an extended family.
Food and drink…
…is an important part of our house church life. When we eat together, we get to know each other much better in an informal way than in traditional gatherings. Even the Bible reports that Jesus did many decisive things while eating together.
Momentum of the house churches
The binding members have made a voluntary covenant with each other, which has its basis in the Word of God. We want to learn to live like a family in honesty and devotion to one another. Jesus is our center and the Holy Spirit our manifold helper. Each house church has a leadership (usually a married couple).
Each house church discovers its own specific tasks and visions of how to become a blessing to neighbors, work colleagues or the urban area. In the process, each is challenged and learns to see each other’s strengths and bear each other’s weaknesses.
Children’s ministry
The Bible says that children are a gift from the Lord. We try to live this in different ways.
First, we want to strengthen the spiritual responsibility of parents for their children. This means that the parents become aware of their spiritual authority and live it out in everyday family life. In this way, the children should experience Christianity in a natural way.
Second, we are in a constant process of learning how to better integrate children into our house churches. Each individual house church is challenged to live creative, spiritual and natural elements for the respective age groups and number of children. The children are a part of our house church by involving them in as many areas as possible. The children also fellowship with each other in the corporate worship service and other special children’s gatherings.
At the beginning of the monthly worship service, there is a special children’s input consisting of corporate worship followed by a spiritual message. The children experience this together with the adults.
If you are looking for a house church near you and would like to live this kind of church, please contact our church office by phone or email.